
工會領導的培訓第一部分 : 華人電業工程人員



國際電工兄弟工會353分會會員Victor Lin,憶述這個2004年的計劃說,很多華裔工人從計劃中得益,並因此找到良好薪酬的工作。如果可以在工會和非工會的工作中作選擇,Victor Lin會揀選工會工作,不單因為薪金,也因為工會工作有更好的健康和安全工作條件,他的家庭也有更好福利。他以身為工會會員為榮,並從經驗中知道,工會幫助所有工人。有眾多例子證明,工會如何經常幫助更大的社群,不單是工會自己的會員,以上是其中一個例子。

工会领导的培训第一部分: 华人电业工程人员


在2004年,国际电工兄弟工会353分会明白很多移民(尤其是华裔工人),需要取得实际技术和经验。虽然国际电工兄弟工会353分会尝试取得政府拨款,按照语言分组为移民工人主办特别课程,但外来的拨款未能落实。 353分会决定自资主办一个课程,支付导师和教材的费用。这个为期两个月的课程,目的是要为华裔加拿大工人提供帮助,为获取电工资历认证作好准备,也要帮助他们得到良好薪酬的工作。课程的实习部分帮助一群华裔工人,取得所需的「加拿大经验」。

国际电工兄弟工会353分会会员Victor Lin,忆述这个2004年的计划说,很多华裔工人从计划中得益,并因此找到良好薪酬的工作。如果可以在工会和非工会的工作中作选择,Victor Lin会拣选工会工作,不单因为薪金,也因为工会工作有更好的健康和安全工作条件,他的家庭也有更好福利。他以身为工会会员为荣,并从经验中知道,工会帮助所有工人。有众多例子证明,工会如何经常帮助更大的社群,不单是工会自己的会员,以上是其中一个例子。

Union-Led Training Part 1: Chinese Electrical Workers

Many new Canadians face a crisis of unemployment and under-employment. This is often because their qualifications from their home country are ignored, or employers cite that they don’t have “Canadian experience.”

In 2004, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 353, noticed the need of many immigrants (in particular Chinese workers) in obtaining practical skills and experience. Although IBEW Local 353 attempted to get government funding to run special courses for immigrant workers grouped by language, outside funding did not materialize. The Local decided to run a course at their own expense, paying for instructors and materials. The purpose of this two-month course was to provide assistance to Chinese Canadian workers to prepare to achieve their certificate of qualification for electrical work, and help them obtain decent paying jobs. The practicum component helped a group of Chinese workers acquire the necessary “Canadian experience”.

Victor Lin, a proud member of IBEW Local 353, recalls this 2004 initiative and says that many Chinese workers benefitted from the program and found decent paying jobs as a result. Given the choice between a unionized and non-unionized job, Victor would take the unionized job – not just for the pay, but because it provides him with better health & safety working conditions on the job, and better benefits for his family. He is proud to be a union member and knows from experience that unions help all workers. The example above is one of many of how unions often take initiatives to help the greater community – not just their own members.

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